Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Emo Kid"

Right so I was walking down the hallway today to get to my "Lauren"ish (I DON'T GET IT!!!! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!!??!?!) girlfriend and I passed those crazy hyper kids in the hallway. They were walking down the hallway and hyperbubble was like "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO WHAT?! DO WHAT?! DO WHAT?! DO WHAT?! I CAN'T TELL YOU!" and I was all like "whatever" and then Nerdypotter started cracking up...

Those two really annoy me, they're always there! I'M NOT EMO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ugh, anyway, I'm going to go write some angsty poetry.


Today, me and Hyperbubble had an extremely enlightening conversation about straightening hair. I made her check and make sure the back was okay, cause I couldn't see it very well. Everyone's making such a big deal out of me straightening my hair. I can see why. It's damn sexy.

And the pants...Hyperbubble told me this weird story about predicting my pants. It was actually kind of scary. I think she stalks me.

We played a new piece in band and Hyperbubble was going all band-geek about the fun parts. I don't know what's wrong with her, really.

And then Nerdypotter randomly turned around and asked Hyperbubble if she wanted a cough drop. They both thought it was hilariously funny.

I don't get it.

I'm going to go straighten my hair some more...

I miss my leather pants.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay so today was wacky tacky day at school and I put on combat boots and leather pants and I wore my gym shorts as a skirt. Also I had a new haircut. It's damn sexy. All the fangirl chicks were like...whoa. I think they were impressed at my manly skill.

So I got to lunch and was going to sit with my cult following of freshmen when I hear that weird girl who's in my section, Hyperbubble, going "OH MY GOD I KNOW HIS HAIR??? AND THE PANTS??? I WAS LIKE AAAAAAA!" And all I'm thinking is:

Oh God.

Except Satan is SO much cooler, I mean, come on. He has, like, fire and stuff.

So these girls are sooooo weird. Especially Hyperbubble. I don't know what's wrong with her. Someone dropped her on the head as a baby.

Yeah. Best. Post. Ever.