Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Wow...I thought they "weren't talking to me anymore..." but NOOOO, today Nerdypotter randomly asked for a high five while her friends watched through the window. What. The. Heck.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Apparently the new "cool" thing to do is...serenade me. So far I've been serenaded with HandiPhone, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pokemon, the Margo song, and...Ben Bernanke. Who's doing this serenading, you ask? Well, it just so happens to be...those crazy hyper kids.

I'm going to go practice conducting now. Cause I'm cool like that.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Joint Post Two

Keithnick- Nerdypotter was looking at me weirdly today, probably because I broke up with Abby...
Emo Kid At Lunch- Today when I was with my girlfriend in the hall I saw Nerdypotter staring at us with rage, she looked away as soon as I saw her. What. A. Freak.

Emo Kid At Lunch

So after the whole homecoming thing, I noticed those crazy hyper kids staring at me angrily. And I swear I heard one of them say "we're not talking to you anymore."


Monday, October 6, 2008


Today I was walking down the band hallway to see what was up with the guard and I turned around and Nerdypotter was right behind me looking really really scary.
"Out of nowhere!"
I said it in a fake British accent to not make things awkward, but she's so weird. Why was she following me?! Stalkerrrrrr.
Also, if you need to blow your nose, go do it! Don't stand around telling people about it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So I went to Homeocming yesterday and I went with my random Asian girlfriend and Hyperbubble kept giving me these really sad stares.

Seriously, why does she care who I'm going out with?!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Joint Post

Tall person- Those crazy hyper kids! This morning they came up to me and started singing to me about some weird handy phone thing...
Emo- Yeah, same, and then Nerdypotter thought it was weird that I wear chucks. They're damn sexy!
Keithnick- Hehehehehe, today I told Nerdypotter about crying blood. When we were waiting to march back up to school we both had an AWESOME moment. We started singing "Don't Stop Believing" together and had an air guitar moment! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!
Emo Kid At Lunch- Keithinck, you fail.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Those crazy hyper kids...
They came up to me at lunch for no reason whatsoever and complimented my hat!
It's actually a pretty cool hat...
Nerdypotter just deicded to share with me that she straightened her hair.
She's such a weirdo.
And then hyperbubble was like, following Tall Person's butt.

I don't understand girls.
Those CRAZY CRAZY hyper kids.

"Tall Person"

Today I let Nerdypotter borrow my jacket and hat. It looked awesome, haha.

I had on my John Deere shirt AND belt today!

Dude, tractors are awesome.